Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 A Quick little share for the cat lover






Thursday, May 23, 2024

It's All from the Heart


It is in the scraps I have kept.

Greeting cards from friends hand made and store bought. Boxes of my favorite papers or just scraps I could not throw away.

I grabbed a old Readers Digest book very vintage and began gluing and creating.

fabric cuts, scraps of lace and I have just kept going and my boxes are still full.

How healing and its my breakthrough when the juju leaves.

It's a great teacher for size and weight of a journal for this will be a shelf topper no doubt in my studio.

Learning again...playing and touching memories and making them known again through papers and images cards etc.

It makes for a great summer project.

How is your summer?



Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cat Journal No. 5 "Twilight"

Good morning and Happy Wednesday Last day of January 2024.

For those of you who do not know me I have 22 cats and my Etsy store helps to supply their needs . So, one might ask how do you have cats and not make cat journals. This is my 5th one. The others sold immediately and I am blessed.although, sadly, I did not document them other than my gallery in my phone last year.

Blessings to everyone. Enjoy.




Saturday, January 20, 2024

Blue Diamond Collection Volume 1

Good morning  everyone.  I am continuing  with my learning experience  with you tube.
I also decided to create Collections this year and only make one of each Volume no.1 is this from Mileena1202 at Etsy.com.
The collection is Blue Diamond. I did not use alot of images. I have had many people request more writing space so here it is.
Thank you for your support. My funds feed my cats all 22 of them. As of late my funds will also contribute to my son's medical. 
Thank you again.
Peace out and be happy


Friday, January 19, 2024

Hooked on Klimt ...Stamperia Paper

I got to watching Stamperia. I got hooked on many of their beautiful paper packs. One was Klimt. What is yours?

 Be Kind..Stay Safe. Please subscribe to my you tube and join my blog.



Time Capsule No.!

 Journals as a stress release has been a salvation to me since my Mom passed. I hope if you are going through a stressful time in your life you will reach out to writing in a journal or making them. Both are life saving and you truly grow in ways you never knew you could.

Take care dear friends



Thursday, April 6, 2023

Never left behind A Junk Journal ?Handmade journal


This Journal is filled with so many beautiful pieces of my collections from Stamperia and misc papers from other packs I have had through the years. The front piece (third Picture down) is a woman from Canvas Corp Brands) seven gypsies architectures.

I hope you enjoy. This is for sale in my shop.The Easy button on the right.

The pictures are not in order..that is a long story today.

Enjoy , please follow.

Have a beautiful Day


Roughly 85 pages counting extras and this is a soft bound journal,5x9.